Crowdsourced Coaching®
Taps into the power of the crowd to align leaders and employees at all levelsBuild and sustain relationships, overcome resistance, and achieve success
Core Values
The following principles are the foundation of all we do.
- Everyone wants to belong and find a place of significance.
- Where individuals feel accepted, a sense of equality, inclusion, and belonging, they will be encouraged to contribute in a socially constructive way.
- People can draw their own conclusions from what they experience and choose how to behave.
- Once aware of core beliefs, they can adjust them to be more in line with socially useful approaches.
- Understanding strengths and development needs and implementing an action plan to enhance skills is a continual learning process.
- Tools and approaches are available to build and sustain relationships, minimize resistance, and maintain alignment for best outcomes.
- There is substantial knowledge and diverse perspectives among all employees. If allowed to fully contribute and engage collaboratively, better outcomes and innovation will result.
What We Do
We offer a free initial consultation to discuss needs and ensure alignment of style, approaches, and fees.
Click here to request a free consultation with Dr. Jay Colker
See Dr. Colker's background and experiences below.
1-1 Coaching
Supports learning and development, enhanced performance, career progression and more. An initial discussion highlights desired outcomes and sets a plan of action. Depending on budget and desired time of involvement, a few options are available.
- Short duration to highlight strengths and development needs and to write an action plan to work with an internal mentor or coach
- 3 months of weekly coaching
- 6 months of weekly coaching
Group Coaching
Leaders engage with peers to enhance learning and gain support.
- Open groups allow a single leader to join with leaders from a range of organizations and industries.
- Groups of leaders from the same organization can work together for leadership development or to drive strategy and change.
- Information on how the approach works and the benefits are highlighted below.
Senior Leader Consultation
Provides perspective on human capital strategy and personal coaching to enhance senior leader performance overall.
Organizational Development
With each stage of business growth, human capital needs grow and change. We provide perspective on employee learning and development, performance management, succession planning, career development, high potential development and more.
Change Management
Over 50% of change initiatives fail due to poor management of the change process. We consult on a change model that significantly enhances successful outcomes.
Dr. Colker can help you sort through your needs and best approaches to address them.
- Dr. Jay ColkerDr. Jay Colker
Founder and Principal Facilitator/Coach/Consultant
Dr. Colker has over thirty years of experience in executive coaching, leadership and management development, change management, organizational development, enhancing team effectiveness, and more.
Dr. Colker holds a Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership, an MBA, and a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology. He combines a core understanding of leadership, business, and psychology in a manner that allows him to effectively work with people from all backgrounds and experiences and to facilitate change from a system’s perspective.
Experience and Expertise
- Senior executive in corporate learning and talent management with diverse experience working in several industries in both internal and consulting roles.
- Senior consultant for over ten years in a management consulting and training practice
- Chief Learning Officer for eleven years for a 2.4 billion community-development finance corporation with twelve companies in the US and abroad.
- Provided individual coaching services to over two hundred management-level employees at all levels
- Utilized the Crowdsourced Coaching® group model with leaders at all levels for alignment, organizational development, change management, problem solving, and skill enhancement to optimize business results.
- Developed and implemented the succession planning process and the high potential leadership development program for a bank holding company corporate-wide.
- Created and implemented an enhanced developmental planning process corporate-wide.
- Designed and delivered change management initiatives to enhance team effectiveness.
- Implemented customer service change initiative corporate-wide leading to over a 40% improvement in service metrics.
- Delivered enhanced sales outcomes for the Retail and Mortgage Lending Divisions of a 2.4-billion-dollar bank.
- Facilitated a strategy that led to recognition by Workforce Chicago as best in class in learning and development and the Right Workplace Award for positive people practices.
- Delivered five major international consulting projects: customer service culture changes with bank enterprises in the Republic of Georgia and Azerbaijan; introduced service approaches to 6 banks in Armenia; assessed performance management and other HR practices for a bank in Mongolia; assessed HR practices of a banking enterprise in India and provided improvement plan.
- Co-led forty development centers assessing over two hundred managers on critical competencies and then coaching seventy of them to focus on high gain developmental activities.
- Co-led the roll out of a revised human capital system throughout the entire Nuclear Division of a power company including succession, performance management, developmental planning, career development, and a revised compensation system.
- Challenged over nine hundred managers to improve coaching skills through a training course, which utilized the Crowdsourced Coaching® model to highlight immediate problems and generate significant options for improvement.
- Redesigned a senior leadership training program for a major mid-west healthcare institution.
Additional Background
Dr.Colker also has twenty years of progressively responsible clinical roles including five years in a full-time psychotherapy practice. Many of Dr. Colker's clients have been business leaders. He also had P&L responsibility for seven years as a department head of a hospital managing a staff of fifty and an educational institution.
How Group Coaching Works
Step One: Initial RelationshipAn initial discussion with each participant and facilitator explains the model, addresses any concerns, and discusses any work challenges, practices, and development needs considered private or confidential. An ultimate goal is to have each participant be willing to align with the structure and process and to be open with the other participants. A kick-off meeting helps participants build relationships, understand their collective strengths, challenges, and development needs, and reach agreement on how the group will best function.Step Two: On-Going Group MeetingsEach group contracts for a specific time of engagement and frequency of meetings. In each session, with guidance from the facilitator, a participant presents a real workplace issue or challenge relevant to the goals within the cohort. The group learns how to mutually coach and support each other and generate a range of alternatives and actions to consider.Step Three: On-the-Job DevelopmentSince the group discusses a range of best practice solutions, participants are expected to implement agreed upon actions and report on progress. Follow up discussion on results help celebrate successes and further refine actions for best outcomes. Participants continue to note progress, completion of tasks, refinements, and new items in their development plans.Step Four: Closure and Follow UpThe program closes with participants celebrating areas of progress. At the end of the program, participants can decide to continue meeting informally to maintain relationships and their support network.- BenefitsImmediate application on-the-job leads to greater impact and results.Leaders present their immediate work challenges and development needs within the context of their day-to-day activities. Through the discussion of leadership principles, best practices, and the experiences of each leader, a given situation can be fully explored. Leaders can immediately apply a set of actions and report progress in subsequent Crowdsourced Coaching® meetings. This allows for immediate impact and refinement of approaches for even more progress over time.Trusting relationships enhance shared learning.One important belief in a Crowdsourced Coaching® approach is that the leaders themselves hold 70% or more of the collective knowledge of leadership. These leaders have been exposed to effective and ineffective models and approaches. Because of the commitment of each leader to the group, trust builds over time. Consequently, each leader becomes more and more motivated to enhance the shared knowledge of all participants and to rely on each other for support. Additionally, as leaders become aware of each other’s development needs, they offer perspectives that add further value to individual needs and concerns.Real conversations of unique needs and best approaches build capabilities.The collective experience among the participating leaders is quite extensive. A Crowdsourced Coaching® group becomes an ideal set of consultants. The group can listen to an individual’s unique needs and concerns and offer a range of options for the person to consider. Rather than a generic recommendation, an individual can co-create a customized solution that will best meet the needs of the situation. Additionally, Crowdsourced Coaching® enhances the collective knowledge and capabilities of all of the leaders.Group collaboration leads to more creative and innovative solutions.The adage two heads are better than one applies here. Each leader brings a different perspective and set of values into the Crowdsourced Coaching® group. If a group of leaders is from the same company, then the participants also bring historical knowledge of the company culture and a high level of sensitivity to the discussions. If the participants are all from different companies and industries, then a broader range of practices are discussed. The group can be more creative and innovative and further challenge each other.Review of best practices is a catalyst for real change.
The facilitator of a Crowdsourced Coaching® group is a highly trained leadership and organizational development consultant. State-of-the-art best practices are discussed, not generically, but within the context of each unique presenting leadership challenge or issue. This helps all participants to rely on a broader set of resources and achieve more effective outcomes.
Leaders become better models for others to follow.As leaders apply their knowledge, skills, and abilities on the job, they can impact how leadership is perceived and practices throughout their companies. Through demonstrated results or coaching of others, leaders can help raise the bar overall on leadership practices.Shared responsibility for learning and change increases ownership and outcomes.A Crowdsourced Coaching® cohort builds relationships and trust over time. A sense of shared responsibility leads participants to be more accountable to each other. There is more likelihood that participants will follow through on agreed actions and have better results.
- TestimonialsSenior Global Ops Manager“My biggest takeaway is that the program affords me the ability to deepen my business acumen by hearing other issues that the network works through. The program has allowed me to network with other company locations around the globe. Just hearing about other individual’s issues and challenges has helped me learn more about the business as a whole. My business acumen is increasing because of my participation in the program. Additionally, from my own issue that we worked through, I learned about engaging and involving employees that might be viewed as roadblocks into the change management process. I’ve used this tactic and it’s helped considerably."Senior Bank Manager“One goal I had was for my managers to be more autonomous and empowered. The managers were very resistant at first to spend the time in the group due to already working over 50 hours per week. The group has actually saved time by less problems emerging and managers having a range of options to address problems that do show up. My managers didn’t want to end the group; we negotiated meeting less frequently for a period of additional time to continue to support their growth and development.”Procurement Manager“A big learning has been that we are seeing similar issues across multiple sites- we are all dealing with change management and higher expectations. I thought the discussion this week highlighted some managerial ideas to use around project management and breaking the total overwhelming project into manageable pieces. It was obvious to me that those techniques would work for someone else. It forced me to think about some of my projects and apply the same principles there. The discussion around alignment has come up multiple times. I am much more conscious about achieving alignment both with my team and my manager.”PlantManager“I was a little bit of a reluctant participant when I first got the word that I would be in this group. Not that I felt I wouldn’t gain from the experience but I just didn’t see where I was going to find the time. I have to tell you that it has been just great. Jay does a wonderful job and it is a very good group of people to work with. One of my biggest issues I have with my job is that I don’t take as much time as I should to sit down and plan. I very rarely think about my vision for this site and plan what we need to do to get there. Since starting this class I have been doing just that. I have found it very rewarding. The biggest benefit I have so far is that after participating in (another participant’s) session I felt that I needed to do more strategic planning. I held a strategic planning meeting for (a specific group) last week. I wouldn’t change anything with this program right now. I would say that more company managers should get the opportunity to participate in something like this.”
- ContactDr. Jay Colker+1-312-213-3421 (Central Time)jay@crowdsourcedcoaching.com
#1 International Best Seller
Aligned Leadership will show both leaders and employees how to:
- Gain a deeper comprehension of self and the styles of others
- Build lasting relationships using a range of foundational skills
- Identify points of resistance
- Improve comfidence in reducing resistance and becoming more aligned
- Achieve better outcomes
- Develop more innovative and creative solutions
- Foster more engagement
Better approaches can be learned. CLICK HERE to learn more and to order your paperback or Kindle version of the book.
View Presentation on Aligned Leadership
Dr. Colker presented a keynote address on the topic of Aligned Leadership. Click below to view the presentation.